3 Pillars of Our Services
We improve management of companies or local government and state institution offices
We find investors and sell or purchase companies. We also have our own investment fund: T.Funds
We combine an entrepreneurial overview, proven managerial tools and working with people in companies.
We know how to look at assignments with a business overview, design changes that correspond with the capabilities of the company/office, engage your people into the solution and show them how to work under new conditions.
We do not send "single fighters" to companies, we provide the service of well-coordinated management teams with the additional support of experts in business consulting. We produce a shift in the success and value of companies through a combination of managerial activity and consistency, advisory foresight and cleverness.
To purely legal and economic disciplines we add the view of maximum utilization of company potential upon full implementation of the project. We provide support in investor search, pre-investment due diligence throughout the merger and/or acquisition process.
If desirable, we continue by taking over the management of the company or complete the full implementation of changes in business, processes, human resources, reporting, etc.
Exponential growth in performance and change in the thinking of people in the company/office.
Long-term company perspective, raising company values, handling company crises.
Utilizing the potential of cooperation. High return on investment while buying a company.
Private sector
Public sector
Strategy and strategic management of the company, mergers & acquisitions
Business Models and Marketing of the Company
Smart City
Customized Solutions
If you were me, what would you do?
- We are a long-term partner for the development of a company or local authorities. We are always looking for ways to help the company / local authorities fulfill its goals/vision.
- We connect companies with local authorities or companies with each other.
- We prepare feasibility studies or business plans.
- We help with sources of financing for the further development of the company / local authorities.
Public sector
Customized Solutions
If you were me, what would you do?
- We are a long-term partner for the development of a company or local authorities. We are always looking for ways to help the company / local authorities fulfill its goals/vision.
- We connect companies with local authorities or companies with each other.
- We prepare feasibility studies or business plans.
- We help with sources of financing for the further development of the company / local authorities.
Long-Term Executive Management of Companies, business restarts
I have no one to transfer the managing of the company to, what should I do? co mám dělat?
How to control the rapid growth of the company?
Už nemáme energii na restart nebo rozvoj firmy, co máme dělat?
Is there a solution when I need to replace part of the management?
- We will take over the management of the company or selected parts (sales, production, logistics)
- We will implement a way of managing the company so that it is successful in the long run
- We manage restarts of the company or business model changes brings the rapid growth of the company.
- We prepare the company for sale or for the entry of a strategic partner (we increase the value of the company before its sale)
- We manage companies just after the sale / takeover by a new owner
IT a podnikové technologie, digitalizace, AI
Jak to udělat, aby si IT oddělení podporovalo náš byznys a nebylo brzda změn?
Chci pořídit nový informační systém. Každá firma mi říká, že jejich řešení je nejlepší. Jak to mám udělat?
Jak se připravit na digitalizaci ve firmě a z jaké strany začít?
Optimalizujeme fungování Vašich technologií, tak aby pracovali pro Vás a ne Vy pro ně.
Umíme skloubit byznysovou a IT odbornost a díky tomu pomoci dobře vybrat a efektivně implementovat informační systémy.
Pomůžeme vám najít řešení, kde bude vyvážená investice do informačního systému a pří-nos pro firmu.
Pomůžeme Vám řídit IT a pokud to bude potřeba dodáme Vám profesionály, které Vám nastaví zdravé a ekonomicky optimální fungování IT.
Ukážeme vám, jak efektivně řídit firmu přes data, jak s nimi dobře pracovat. Připravíme vám dashboardy na míru – například pro řízení obchodu, HR controlling, řízení firmy, ří-zení výroby apod.
Ve spolupráci s aliančními partnery vám pomůžeme najít místa, kde se vám vyplatí praco-vat s AI
Business Models and Marketing of the Company
How to increase sales / margins?ak zvýšit prodeje/ marže?
How do I get new customers / clients?
- We update the business model or introduce new business formats (eshop, franchise, alliance, KAM)
- We increase the efficiency of sales management (manager's role, sales reporting, meetings…)
- We develop salespeople especially in the area of gaining new clients and building relationships.
- We increase the business results of the company (comprehensive projects, where the task is to increase specific indicators)
Effective Production, Transfer of the Manufacturing Plant to the CZ, SK or RU
How do we shorten production times?
How to increase production capacity?
How to improve maintenance management?
How to be more flexible in production?
- We implement the principles of operational excellence and lean manufacturing into the life of the company (5S, TPM, SMED, KANBAN)
- We teach masters how to lead people in production
- We improve planning in production
- We improve cooperation and planning between sales, production and supply chain.
- We bring a performance management methodology in production.
Strategy and strategic management of the company, mergers & acquisitions
I need to sell my company, what should I do?
What is everything we should do when preparing a merger with another company?
How to get the most from a merger or an acquisition?
What benefits will a good strategy bring me and how can I ensure that the strategy is not just on paper or in the minds of a few people?
- We represent investment funds that invest in companies and carry out the search for suitable companies for investment.
- We provide support during the whole cycle of merger and/or acquisition, i.e. identification, realization, integration and eventual sale. (In Slovakia our partner in this area is Stormlevel.)
- We perform an in-depth pre-investment review, i.e. operational, financial, tax and legal due diligence.
- We design and subsequently carry out abrupt changes caused by mergers and acquisitions (in business, processes, organizational structure).
- We involve the whole company in defining strategic drivers/company priorities.
- We calculate the contribution of strategic drivers into EBITDA in the three-year horizon.
- We incorporate work with strategic priorities into the management of the company.
- We prepare strategic development plans for cities and regions.
Kyberbernetická bezpečnost a směrnice NIS2
Naši zákazníci nás informovali, že bychom měli splnit předpisy dle směrnice NIS2 o bezpečnosti IT. Jak to máme uchopit, co v té oblasti máme dělat?
Jak si ověřím, že firma je dobře ochráněná před kybernetickým útokem?
Co to znamená ochránit firmu proti kybernetickým útokům?
Jak mám ochránit data firmy?
Umíme skloubit pohled na váš byznys a pohled na bezpečnost dat a ukázat vám, co z hle-diska kybernetické bezpečnosti ošetřit – tj. jak nastavit fungování firmy abyste měli dosta-tečně ochráněný svůj byznys před kyberútokem. Pomůžeme vám vybrat vhodnou kombi-naci dodavatelů jednotlivých řešení.
Přesně vám vyspecifikujeme, co pro vás představuje směrnice NIS2, jaké to nařizuje osobní odpovědnosti konkrétních osob (Majitelů, jednatelů, IT Managerů) a jaká opatření zavést, aby firma fungovala v souladu se směrnicí.
Umíme zprostředkovat realizaci tzv “penetrační testu“, který ověří, jak je aktuálně firma chráněná proti kybernetickému útoku. Budete tak mít jasné zadání pro vaše IT
Human Resources and People Development
How to change people´s attitudes / behavior?
How do I recruit the right people for a company or authority?
How to save the important know how and knowledge in the compan? How to use succession planning?
How to motivate employees? How can managers motivate employees? What HR tools will help me?
- We execute individual Top Management development programs
- We execute individual development programs for company owners
- We implement HR processes (recruitment, onboarding, adaptation, evaluation, remuneration, talent management)
- We implement talent management and succession planning programs
- We implement development programs designed to change behavior and attitudes Changing corporate culture – how to do it successfully
- We do Executive Search with deep assessment (hard skills, soft skills, potential, compatibility with corporate culture).
Procesy, projekty a efektivnost řízení firmy
Are the processes in the company / authority efficient, aren't we wasting resources?
How to be more flexible to market changes or customer needs?
Through what parameters should the company be managed?
How to prepare the company for digital transformation?
- We implement process management - we identify the main processes and activities and on that basis we create / change the organizational structure
- Optimizing processes - we reduce the waste of resources (people capacity, finances, time)
- We implement the principles and tools of operational excellence
We set project management standards in the company according to PMI / PRINCE 2 and IPMA methodologies
We help find the optimal balance between traditional and agile project management
Zavádíme Project Management office (PMO) a Project Portfolio management (PPM).
Řídíme náročné projekty jako interim projektoví manažeři (implementace SW nástrojů, přesun výroby apod.).
Finanční řízení, firemní finance, hodnota firmy
Jak nastavit dobré finanční řízení? Co všechno mám chtít od finančního ředitele?
Co mám jako majitel firmy sledovat z hlediska financí? Jak dobře připravit firmu na prodej?
Co mám dělat, aby se mi zlepšilo cash flow nebo zvedla ziskovost firmy?
What is important for investors? How they see value of your company?
Pomůžeme nastavit finanční řízení ve firmě tak, abyste měli reálný přehled o aktuální fi-nanční situaci, byli schopni správně se rozhodovat a plánovat.
Pomůžeme s řízením a plánování cash flow, aktualizaci kalkulací, nastavení spolehlivého finančního reportingu, nastavením finančního controllingu, řešením likvidity.
V případě potřeby nastoupí náš interim CFO (interim finanční ředitel) s poradenskou pod-porou kolegů, zkušených ředitelů a manažerů vybavených potřebnými zkušenostmi a ově-řeným know-how.
Ukazujeme, jak se na firmu dívat z pohledu investorů (co má pro ně hodnotu a proč).
Pomáháme při prodeji nebo převzetí firmy – provádíme provozní a finanční due diligence, oceňování firem, podporujeme ve vyjednávání.
Inventory and logistics
How to streamline the movement of goods and materials inside the company?
How much money are we keeping in our stock?
- We can set up the entire supply chain from suppliers to customers, including CD, Hubs and warehouses
- We design a lean and flowing D2D movement of goods and materials inside the company
- In a controlled manner we help reduce and optimize inventories with the aim to accelerate their turnover and improve CF of the company
Smart City
Which smart solutions are suitable and meaningful for us?
How to select, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of smart solutions?
What is more important: People or Technology?
- We always set up Smart City Concepts custom-designed for the given entity, we propose a way to implement smart solutions and evaluate their real meaningfulness and effectiveness.
- We will help with the managing of the whole process.
- We will help you during the implementation of smart solutions.
- We will take care of communicate with the public.
Management and Development of Local Governments
What areas and measures are appropriate to focus on, which strengths of the city or region can I use in its development, and how to deal with shortcomings?
How to communicate and manage the whole strategic planning process?
- We will guide you through the entire process of strategic planning and help you with the implementation of specific measures for the development of the city or region.
- We will evaluate the current situation, successes and failures, set the right goals and suggest a meaningful and optimal way to achieve your aims.
- We will help you with setting up measurable indicators and ensure the evaluation of the fulfillment of the set goals.
Management and Development of Municipal Authorities
How does our municipal authority actually work in terms of efficiency, openness and cooperation?
What to focus on, what agendas and areas to strengthen and develop and what tools can we use?
How to motivate and develop employees?
- We evaluate the level and quality of the municipal authority´s management, processes and people in an objective way.
- We will propose a municipal authority´s development strategy, including specific principles and measures.
- We will help you in the area of people management, recruitment, selection, adaptation, development, education and evaluation.
Řízení nemovitého majetku města
Jak vdechnout nový život budovám, které leží ladem?
Jak najít pro nemovitost to správné využití, aby maximálně sloužila?
Jak se novýma očima podívat na budovy, které více než 10let let fungují setrvačností?
Čemu se věnovat dříve a čemu později?
Které z řady oprav mají mít prioritu a jaké investice opravdu dávají smysl?
Jak řešit dostupnost bydlení a jaké parametry brát v úvahu při zvažování výstavby nových bytů?
Jak se vyhnout kumulaci projektů do šuplíku a jak získávat cizí zdroje a dotace, jak o nich přemýšlet?
Jak chytře nastavit podmínky a zadání pro prodej nebo pronájem nemovitosti?
- Strategie v oblasti řízení nemovitostí
- Revize majetku = změna využití
- Posouzení výhodnosti investic
- Správa bytového fondu
- Bytová výstavba
Interim Management, Crisis Strategy and Management
What can we do if we can't fill a key position quickly?
Co můžeme dělat, když se firma dostala do finančních potíží?
How to manage a big change so that it does not affect to the company's performance?
- We manage projects whose aims are organization change, change of business model, merger of several companies, cost reduction or crisis management.
- We temporarily hold the TOP managerial position while searching for a suitable candidate.
LIMITED DIRECT SEARCH - We Find People for our Clients.
Mám manažery a specialisty s vhodným profesně – osobnostním potenciálem?
Jaké jsou klíčové požadavky na danou pozici?
Jakou zvolit strategii (ideální postup) pro obsazení pozice?
- Pomáháme klientovi vyhledat zvolit tu správnou strategii náboru a vybrat kandidáta/ kandidátku s vhodným osobnostním, hodnotovým a profesním potenciálem.
- Pomáháme klientovi sestavit tým s požadovaným výkonem ale také takový, který zapadne do firemní kultury firmy.
We focus on limited direct search of managers and key specialists.
We provide executive search services of managers and specialists
This service is provided by TRITON Hunters s.r.o. member of TRITON Holding s.e.